
My name is Guy Sutton. I am a Research Entomologist at the Centre for Biological Control at Rhodes University (South Africa). My research primarily involves finding and developing insect biological control agents for managing invasive alien plants, with a particular focus on managing invasive African grasses that have become invasive globally. Moreover, I passionate about developing quantitative methods and software for answering ecological questions, bridging the spheres of statistics, software development, coding and ecology.

Please find my CV here.


PhD, Entomology2020Rhodes University, South Africa
MSc, Entomology2017Rhodes University, South Africa
BSc (Honours), Entomology2015Rhodes University, South Africa
BSc, Microbiology and Entomology2014Rhodes University, South Africa

Work History

🏢 Research Entomologist (Centre for Biological Control, Rhodes University) (2019 - Current)

Peer-reviewed publications

I have published 17 peer-reviewed scientific articles to date, which have been cited over 115 times. My current H-index is 9.

CC BY-SA 4.0 Guy F. Sutton. Last modified: March 11, 2023. Website built with Franklin.jl and the Julia programming language.